Monday, December 20, 2010

Why does a childs mother use the child as a pawn?

Well folks since my last blog post in April 2010, my life has improved. My second eventual ex-wife moved to North Royalton with my step-son Nicholas, who will turn Seven on Christmas. Since the move, I have done everything possible to help support and continue to be there for Nicholas as the only person he calls dad. Since staying here in Lakewood, Ohio, I have gained underemployment with a local small business here in Lakewood. I don't make much money, but I stretch it as far as possible. Since a mental break down of my eventual ex-wife, I have been prevented from spending time with Nicholas at my home or doing much of anything. During this breakdown I did everything asked of me by his Grandmother to keep things normal for Nicholas. His mother did everything possible to shatter the father and son relationship I had with Nicholas. I can not stomach the traveling and doing things just in North Royalton, which is three hours traveling time by public transportation and walking. His mom sure does want the money to help with bills, her disability payments will not cover. I have accepted the fact that she has used Nicholas as a pawn in order to continue to get money for her son. I will no longer be that pawn, the pain of not seeing Nicholas is strong but with the help of others and a busy year in 2011, I will make it. I have provided everything possible for Nicholas:
  • Internet Access
  • School Clothes
  • Shoes
  • Back Packs
  • Xbox Live
  • Desktop Computer
  • Laptop for Mom
  • Cell Phones for Both
  • School Supplies
  • School Pictures
  • Personal Hygiene Items
  • Bike
  • XBox Accessories
  • Web Cam for Talking to him on School Nights, which never occured.
  • Cordless Phones for his mom
  • Laundry Money
  • Food Money
  • Eye Glasses for Nicholas
I have always done everything for the child, I call son. What do I get for the effort, his mother's slander and lies, using me, and keeps Nicholas from calling or spending time on my terms with the one he calls dad. Over the last two months of talking to Nicholas on the phone and visiting when possible, he doesn't seem to be the happy and out going child I have known Nicholas to be. He is excited to talk to me on the phone or coming over to my home if mentioned, but what he has available at his mom's is limited, due to his mother's health and mental status. At this time I may not be able to afford a lawyer to petition for at least Supervised Visitation rights, but I will work harder Next Year to put more Rights in the Child's Hands and not solely the parents. If I get that phone call that something happens with Nicholas or another major incident with his Mother. I will be providing a packet of Information to CFS, ODJFS, and the IRS, Call Logs, Pictures, and Voice Mails that show I was the one Nicholas knew as Dad. His mom collects Child Support from the natural father, but he chooses not to be in his child's life. I am the one Nicholas knows as Dad. I will make it through the Holidays and the next year, it will be hard, but between going back to college at Tri-C, working, and Cause Work, I will survive. May all that are able to hold or hug their children each day, remember to give them an extra hug or a few more minutes of their time. Happy Holidays!

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